BOREAL Plus services

Financing and loans

finantare si creditatre

We offer financing solutions for our clients, in a competitive and efficient manner for the real estate market and in the shortest possible timeframe.;

Our division of loan brokerage, Impact Finance, collaborates with the most important financial institutions in Romania. With more than 870 satisfied customers since its establishment until now, we will certainly find the best loan solution for your dream home (whether it is a house or an apartment). For these services the Consulting Commission is ZERO.

Currently we are working with Banca Transilvania, Unicredit, BCR, Alpha Bank, BRD, First Bank, Libra Bank, CEC Bank, Garanti Bank. In the future, we will extend our collaboration with OTP Bank.

finantare si creditatre

Interior Design and Furnishing

design interior

Interiors with a unique, modern and minimalist design, offering a pleasant ambience.

Our Interior Design Department has been offering FREE consulting services for over 7 years. We create interior design projects adapted to the smallest details, responding to every owner’s needs.

Our housing units must provide comfort, inspiration, and tranquillity. We believe that building a home – from the design phase to the finishing stage – is a true art, just like its outfitting and furnishing.

Our interior design projects are developed in collaboration with top suppliers and we have partnerships with various furniture suppliers, offering preferential prices.

If you want your new home to be furnished and equipped in a modern and comfortable style, leave it to an interior design specialist. He/she will surely know how to transform any space into a comfortable, harmonious, perfectly functional living area.

design interior

Property Management - Spatzioo

Property & Facility management services

SPATZIOO, the company in charge with facility and property management for the residential projects developed by IMPACT Developer & Contractor, offers sustainable and integrated management services, supporting clients and partners in achieving their goals.

With over 15 years of experience, SPATZIOO is a major player on the market of property and facility management for residential, commercial and office buildings. Simultaneously with the development at national level of its parent company, IMPACT, SPATZIOO also aims a national expansion, offering integrated and diversified services, focused on creating exceptional experiences, which differentiate through operational standardization, digitalization, sustainability.

  • Preventive and corrective maintenance
  • Energetic efficiency/ improvement
  • Management of repairing works subject to guarantees
  • Reception, security, safeguard and protection 24/7
  • Mobile teams for technical interventions 24/7
  • Cleaning and sanitation, snow removal services
  • Services for tracking the constructions behaviour over time, according to the provisions of the Construction Book
  • Financial and accounting administration services
  • Communication and support for residents - periodic information through Helpdesk

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